Thursday 22 October 2015

St. Anthony and Kwantlen (The Desert in the City)

Kwantlen is a frenzied place to go to school. Students are often in a rush, running from class to tutorial to study session before getting a “break” when they get to stand in line at Tim Horton’s for 15 minutes during lunch hour. And a major reason for such a hectic education is the goal (and perhaps the pressure) of getting a degree which will launch a solid career path. Not only are that, but a huge percentage of students, one of the highest in the country, also work part- or full-time while attending Kwantlen. So in addition to feeling hectic at school, many of these students might have to drive across the city to get to a job that starts half an hour after a class ends. And if to all of this we add external commitments to a spouse, family, religious community, or friends, then we might conclude that “frenzied” is putting the situation rather lightly.

I suspect that many of us may actually live a similar life to the average Kwantlen student. There are a multitude of pressures coming in from all sorts of places – work, family, church, friends, committees, boards, etc. In a lot of ways, it seems as though such a situation can’t be avoided. How could we possibly escape such pressures? We can and possibly should choose to take on less projects and less commitments than many of us do. But in a lot of ways, I feel like this situation of multiple pressures is sort of the air we breathe, the water we swim in. Baring a radical life-style change, we’re sort of “stuck”; if we choose to take on less commitments then we’ll either take on something else or what we already have taken on will swell and expand to fill the little breathing room we may have managed to create.

What does such a context mean spiritually? How does learning, living, and inhabiting such an environment affect our lives lived before the face of God?

In the first place, I think, it’s a spiritual challenge. It is fatiguing. It is unsettling, fragmenting, disorienting. If our hearts are truly restless until they rest in God, then it is clear that the restlessness of our contemporary life presents a challenge to that aim, that end, that final goal of communion with God. And sometimes it is not clear that such a challenge can be overcome. Where is God to be found? How can we “rest” in him? Even in times of prayer we aren’t “restful”; concerns and anxieties are often the first thing to distract me from prayer, from entering into the word of God in the scriptures.

But is there any unique gift that our fragmented postmodern lives can offer to living with God? Or are we simply doomed by our culture to have (or to want to have) successful careers, a network of colleagues and friends, excellent healthcare, a large house, long life, and all the anxieties that accompany such a life-style?

I don’t really have the answer to this question. I waver between having more despair (which this post suggests) and having more hope, where perhaps spiritual practices of prayer, worship, silence, and solitude can break into our sense of fragmentation, where these practices can create a centre rather than another piece of an impossible puzzle.

In an admittedly different context (Egypt about 1700 years ago) there was a wealthy Christian named Anthony. By this point Christians were no longer being persecuted. They had freedom to worship, they were involved in running society, they now held power a certain amount of power and influence. In that way, somewhat similar to how we might feel studying at Kwantlen: get a degree, get a job, contribute to society! Go, go, go!

In Church one day he heard the gospel reading say “Sell all you have and give it to the poor. Then come and follow me.” Anthony was a literalist – he did precisely that and went off into the desert for a life of prayer, scripture reading, and simplicity. It wasn’t long before he was being joined by others, now known as the “Desert Mothers and Fathers”: the beginning of monastic community.

Not many of us will choose or even could choose such an extreme change in life-style. But we can find some hope in this: Anthony was given a vision of his “spiritual equal”. Who could this possibly be? Anthony had given up everything to follow Christ, surrendered a wealthy life for one of poverty and commitment to relationship with God and others. This vision, though, showed a regular person in the regular city, working a regular job: plumber, lawn-mower, accountant, or what have you.

So the radical retreat and life-style change of Anthony is an important expression of a spiritual yearning for God. But that radical spiritual yearning is available to anyone, anywhere. Our contemporary life, expressed by a career driven place like Kwantlen, does indeed offer challenges. There are things that need to be refused in order to live life with God. But sometimes it feels like we simply can’t refuse the frenzied pace; it’s simply inescapable.

However, I think that Anthony’s vision tells a different story. We can live a radically spiritual life in the midst of a radically non-spiritual context. The intensity of Anthony’s commitment to God is available to us, too. How this is the case, I am not really sure. But Jesus affirms a similar point when he is addressed with the pressures of his day and age: a family that thinks he’s out of his mind. (Mark 3:31-34)

Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they send someone in to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, "Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you."
"Who are my mother and my brothers?" he asked. Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."

Thursday 15 October 2015

Autumn Leaves

“Lord, you have assigned me
   my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.”
                                Psalm 16:5

Outside the Multi-Faith Office the trees are blazing with colour. Their leaves range in colour from light green tinged with yellow, to deep red and orange, and everything in between as they prepare to shed their summer leaves for the winter season, though first showing off an array of colour and light.

This morning for morning prayer we spent time with Psalm 16. It’s an invitation to give thanks to God for what he has done. Today one of the things he has done is bless the Kwantlen campus with bursting fall colour. This is part of “my portion and my cup” that God has given.

Of course, “my portion and cup” stretches beyond these few minutes of enjoying the beauty of autumn. We are all given many good things: bodies, personalities, careers, tasks, possessions, family, friends, and community; and the list goes on.

But all these things are not always so easy to accept; our “lot” does not always feel so “secure” as the Psalmist expresses here. My job is difficult! I'm struggling with my relationships! I feel like a failure! I want a different personality! My body is failing! My car isn't nice enough!

Such concerns and anxieties can plague anyone. When I walk these halls at KPU, meet students and faculty, or when I pray by myself, there always seem to be things we aren't happy with. Always something to be discomforted by. How then can we possibly thank God for our portion and our cup? How can we claim that he has made our lot secure? Even when surrounded by wealth, blessings, and love it’s so easy to feel insecure!

That is why these fall leaves in their seeming insignificance are so important. I glance out the window and can enjoy them for a brief moment before my thoughts become anxious or unsettled. And yet the trees still stand tall, displaying all their simple beauty. And for a moment my experience of them is “my portion and my cup”. In that experience, my lot is made secure.

We cannot experience peace in the big things of our life – marriage, work, family, self-identity – if we are not willing to find peace in the moment that God has given. Your portion and cup of large-life aspirations only takes place one moment at a time. So what God has given you, what God is always giving you, is this moment. Sometimes that moment is rather easy to enjoy, like beautiful autumn colours. I can totally admit that different circumstances can make “the moment” seem more like a burden than a blessing.

But God has redeemed this person (you) in this moment (now) through his identification with creation and humankind in Jesus. 

It is in Jesus that you, God,

Have made known to me the
  path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your
with eternal pleasures at your
  right hand.
                                Psalm 16:11

Fill us with the joy of Christ through the Autumn leaves of the present moment, now and always.


Thursday 1 October 2015

The Wings of the Dawn

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.”
                                                Psalm 139: 9-10

The practice of prayer is an important, beautiful, and often difficult thing in Christian life. One of the small things I am doing at Kwantlen is host a time of morning prayer on the days I am on campus, praying through scripture: the Psalms and the Gospel of Mark. It is a very humble, small beginning – sometimes I am alone, sometimes I am joined by one or two others. But in its very smallness this activity is still one which is crucial for inspiring and equipping followers of Christ to experience and prepare ourselves for what God may do in the normal moments of our day.

Prayer can be difficult, too. Particularly in busy lives where there is always something to do or something to be distracted by. When we slow down with scripture and in silence we might experience a sense of disorientation. Our doubts, fears, and anxieties love to rush to the surface. The Psalmist knows this experience: “Out of the depths I cry to you!” we pray time and time again through the psalter.

But the poetry and profundity of the Psalms is also something to take deep comfort in. The passage from Psalm 139 above is a remarkable piece of poetry; the simple phrase “the wings of the dawn” is full of imagery and power, as if the morning sunrise were a bird that our souls fly away on, rising to meet the beauty and the pain of an ordinary day, settling down in places where we might think God is far away. Yet “even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”

So “comfort, comfort my people,” says our God. Take the time to slow down in prayer. Open yourself to the fear and anxiety that might be present with every morning, with every beautiful dawn. And trust that where ever you are – at work, at home, on the road, at Kwantlen – no place is empty of God’s guiding presence, his steady right hand. God call us to himself no matter what our circumstances, as this morning we read Jesus say in Mark: 2: 27 – “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners”.